vPod is a program for transferring music to your iPod from Windows. It presents a unified view of all of your music and lets you see what is and what is not already on your iPod. I think that it’s a much more intuitive interface for managing what is available on your iPod than the existing solutions.vPod is free software. It is licensed under the Free BSD license so that as many people as possible
can benefit from it.Please feel free to contact me with any questions,
problems, bugs, feedback or anything else. I want to know what you think!
IMPORTANT: vPod Doesn’t Work With iTunes 7.3+ iPods
With many of the recent versions of the iPod firmware, which iTunes automatically installs for you, vPod will no longer work with most iPods. This is especially the case if you have used iTunes 7.3 with your iPod.
I am working on a new version of vPod that supports all new iPods and firmwares but my time is limited and I cannot say when it will be released. Check back now and then.
iPod Shuffle Now Supported!
Thanks to Ken Hausam who graciously donated an iPod Shuffle to the vPod cause, vPod now supports the iPod Shuffle! It’s not fancy but if you like the way vPod has always worked and you want to use it with your Shuffle, now you can. I do 🙂
Download version 0.60, try it out, at your own risk of course, and let me know how it works!
Windows 95, 98 and ME Users Please Read Below
Windows 98 and ME does not come with the drivers you need to access your iPod. Happily, Red Chair Software, the makers of Anapod Explorer are making on available that will let you use your iPod in Windows 98 or ME. Please visit Red Chair Software to get the driver, and check out their Anapod Explorer. I don’t like to advertise for the competetion too much, but it really is a great product.
Unfortunatly, the latest versions of vPod don’t work with Windows 98, but there has been some interest in porting it so look for that in the future. For the mean time you can use EphPod or the 0.03 Beta version of vPod found at the bottom of this page.
DonateIf you like vPod you can donate a few bucks to let me know. I’m powered by pizza and beer and money keeps them coming in! (You can also donate pizza and beer, but it’s a little more complex.) If you donate $10 or more I’ll give you access to vPod’s source code. What a deal!
Version | |
0.60 Beta Updated: 06/15/2005 |
Executable Installer for Windows NT, 2000, XPSource Code |
0.53 Beta Updated: 10/06/2003 |
Executable Installer for Windows NT, 2000, XPRelease 0.53 Small bug fix release for some tag loading problems. If you were fine before, don’t bother upgrading.
0.52 Beta Updated: 09/30/2003 |
Executable Installer for Windows NT, 2000, XPSource Code
Release 0.52 Lots of small changes in this release. See the ReadMe.txt for the full list.This will probably be the last release for a while. I don’t intend to do another release until I finish |
0.51 Beta Updated: 08/14/2003 |
Executable Installer for Windows NT, 2000, XPRelease 0.51 This is a bug fix release. If you were fine before, you can probably skip it.
0.50 Beta Updated: 08/13/2003 |
Executable Installer for Windows NT, 2000, XPRelease 0.50 Major changes to vPod this version. Check the bottom of the included ReadMe.txt for the details.
0.04 Beta Updated: 08/03/2003 |
Executable Installer for Windows NT, 2000, XPRelease 0.04 Lots of changes in this release. See the bottom of the ReadMe.txt for the full list. The big ones are window resizing, unicode support and tabs for Artists, Albums and Playlists. Lots of bug fixes and should be much more stable for non United States users.Since this release includes Unicode it will no longer work on Windows 95, 98 or Me. If you use one of these operating systems with your iPod, please email me and let me know. If there is a need for a version that works with these operating systems I will make one, but my web logs suggest most of you are using Windows XP 🙂 |
0.03 Beta Updated: 07/28/2003 |
Executable Installer for Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XPGoing Public I think vPod is ready for the masses. This is a cleaned up release and I am announcing the program on some of the popular iPod websites. Good luck vPod! Updated Icons This release is simply to replace the icons that I was using as placeholders. The new icons are by Kwanza Humphrey and to put it bluntly, totally kick ass.First Beta Released The first version of vPod has been released. This is beta software and is not guaranteed to work. Please read the ENTIRE ReadMe.txt before using it. |
Source CodeSource code is only neccesary if you want to change vPod. If you are not a computer programmer it’s probably not useful to you. If you just want to use vPod please go to the Downloads section and download it for free.
vPod is licensed under the FreeBSD License with a twist. I charge $10 if you want to download it from me. If you happen to know someone else who has the source feel free to get it from them but if you want to download it from here please donate $10 or more and I’ll set up an account for you.
I do this for various reasons, not the least of which is that I like money. But the main reason is that more often than not, when someone downloads the source code they’ll have questions. I normally try to answer them all. That takes time and time, as they say, is money.
Win32 Common Utilities Source Code You’ll need to this to compile everything else.