Old stuff

My Nikon 775 digital camera died with some blown pixels, so after a rather pleasant Best Buy experience I emerged with a Canon S30 which I am very happy with so far.

Update! All my digital photos, as I take them can be seen at this link. I am working on a better gallery, so for now just figure it out 🙂 These are unprocessed and unfiltered. There are some that are no damn good. Sorry.

What year is it? 2002? Is it still cool to have a picture of your dog on the web?
I just can’t remember any more. I sure hope so.

I have no idea where that lens flare came from.

Adam and I have written software for you to use. You can see some of it here. I wrote some stuff for BeOS a while back, but then they became lame and I got all bitter about it.

I work for DTO now.

There used to be some more info, and some pictures and stuff but they are all horribly outdated. I’ve got a digital camera now, and people keep doing things like sending me to Vegas for a week, so perhaps soon there will be more. I know you can barely contain yourself.

That’s about it really. So, see you in a few years then? Right.
