Blind Rage

For the love of shit, would someone please write a god damn calendar protocol that doesn’t suck dick? Do I seriously have to download and then reupload my entire fucking calendar file every time I want to add an event? Do you have any idea how huge this file is getting? It’s absurd!

Christ, I know open source developers don’t, like, do things, but comon, people will buy this shit. Companies still use Outlook because there’s no other reasonable alternative!

Yea, I know CalDav is coming but that’s such a fucking hack that it makes me sick. Write a good protocol! Microsoft did it! You are smarter than Microsoft aren’t you? Manage the backend with i/vCal if you want to. XML is great but using it as a transport layer? Please.

And Mozilla? Guys? We need Sunbird to not suck anymore please. I use it every day so I can comment on how much it sucks. And the new version which has all kinds of great features (including rudimentry CalDav support) is so slow that I might as well just use dead trees and squid juice.

Now, I know what you’ll say. “It’s Open Source Jason. Write it yourself!” and that’s great. If you’ll look over there to the left where it says “Software” you’ll a bunch of examples of where people couldn’t get it right and I had to do it for them. But I’m tired of having to do it myself every time. You know, just because I can program doesn’t mean I don’t want to just be a boring ol’ user now and then.

Cause see I got this Mac Mini I’m trying to install in my car…


*pant* *pant* *pant*